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Marking metacognitively

Marking gets such a bad rep; it’s seen as something we essentially get our knuckles rapped for not keeping up with as opposed to a valuable tool to both measure and facilitate progress. But what also gets too quickly forgotten is that it’s not just for the teachers. Feedback can and should make students better learners and provide opportunities for self-reflection so they can develop and understand the ‘how’ and ‘why’ behind what leads to that development. This entire post is how I’ve adapted my marking system after reading @funkypedagogy’s Metacognition book and @Xris32’s blogs on feedback. The main thing I took away from them was how important it is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect instead of taking it for granted that because I had told them how to progress, they understood how to.  One of the many things the Metacognition book demonstrates is how exam or assessment wrappers can be used to help students understand their strengths and shortcomings. I’ve made a few
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