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Showing posts from August, 2021

Teaching during a pandemic: six lessons I’ve learned and how they'll make me better this year.

There is no denying that for a lot of us, the last academic year was tough, possibly the toughest of many of our careers. But now we’re on the cusp of a new start, it’s worth reflecting on the lessons learned from the challenges the pandemic brought and how they can prove useful going forward. The Coronavirus pandemic has meant teachers have been running all over school sites hopping from classroom to classroom, dragging all our resources around with us, frantically logging into computers, confining our teaching to 2m distanced boxes at the front, juggling the needs of the audiences in front of us as well as the remote ones while still formatively assessing, ensuring pupil progress and keeping top of marking. And on top of all that, there was avoiding staff rooms due to limited numbers, lack of face to face contact with our teams and the horror that was TAGS. However, while much (no, most) of it was awful, through difficulty we build strength; here are my six positive takeaways from co

Diversification: more than an educational token - post for Diverse Educators

My post for Diverse Educaters on the need to diversify our curricula and show students real reflections of themselves in the stories we tell: Diversification: more than an educational token